In his latest post,
DCver commented on the spending pattern of the
Portuguese at the end the month. I believe it is the same way worldwide. I am sure I can remember my mother taking us kids to our regular clothes shop to pay the outstanding debts and get us
new garments at the end of each month.
When I was a student, the pattern was pretty much the same. My grant, which at the time was quite decent, filled my depleted
bank account at the end of each month.
I always invited four or five friends for a
sumptious meal.
I spent the afternoon at the supermarket filling my trolley with various
delicacies and lots of
wine.Once home, I began preparing the feast which was invariably my favourite Algerian dishes of soup with
lamb or
coriander and
mint, followed by my all-time number one tagine of lamb and meatballs in a
cumin and coriander sauce, baked potatoes with garlic,
tomato and
rosemary. No room for dessert, just more
This was the first meal after the grant arrived. The following day, I ate the remaining leftovers of the feast.
In week two, pasta came with all sorts of meaty and fishy sauces, such as Bolognese, Lasagne, Marinara, etc...
Week three, neither meat nor fish featured. The sauces were simply and cheaply flavoured with herbs or cheese. More pasta served to bulk up the dishes.
Week four, starvation set in! My diet then consisted of pasta with garlic butter or a scrambled egg if I could afford it, a risotto with a couple of olives and half a tin of tuna or just simply some mash.
This pattern was repeated month in, month out during my student years.
I completely forgot about it, until it began occurring at the restaurants.
We know now to make sure that extra staff are drafted in for the last Saturday of each month.
The arrival of the monthly pay packet just in time to replenish peoples' bank accounts gives rise to the welcome monthly feast!
I usually ask customers whether they were celebrating anything special and on a few occasions, the bold ones have unashamedly replied:
"It's the end of the month!"
Thanks, DC for inspiring this post!